Neighborhood Centers Bring Holiday Cheer to Thousands

Throughout the Holiday season, our network of Neighborhood Centers were in overdrive to ensure that the residents we serve had opportunities to celebrate, connect with one another, and find support.

Here are just a few ways in which our Neighborhood Centers helped bring community together to celebrate the Holidays:

Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center

Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center hosted hundreds of kids and adults for their annual toy giveaway. Beyond toys, activities from arcade games to live music were available to make the day a spirited celebration for those who need it most.

There were also celebrations specifically for seniors at the center’s Excelsior senior center. Holiday bingo was played, cookies were decorated, and plenty of festive attire was worn!

Booker T. Washington Community Services Center

Youth at Booker T. learned about the various holiday traditions celebrated all over the world. In their classes, students researched 7 principles of Kwanzaa, created wreaths in honor of Yule and made Filipino Parols for Christmas.

The center also held “Winterfest,” an amazing event which saw more than 500 members of the community join in on the fun. Booker T. served a soul food dinner and transformed the space into a Santa's Workshop with gifts and photos for all. All told, more than 700 toys, gifts, and books were distributed on the day of Winterfest, and over 1,275 holiday items throughout the neighborhood to other organizations and public housing sites.

Richmond Neighborhood Center

Richmond Neighborhood Center held a Winter Open House, opening their doors to all to learn about their programs and enjoy a festive evening. Richmond Neighborhood Center also support a successful One Richmond Toy Drive, collecting toys for distribution with partners at the Asian Family Support Center.

TEL HI Neighborhood Center

TEL HI Neighborhood Center coordinated 200 frozen turkeys and 200 bags of groceries to be given out and delivered to the families and seniors at North Beach Place, a mixed-income housing complex where TEL HI oversees the Adult & Family Service Center and its Youth Center.

Thanks to everyone who made the Holidays at our Centers such a joyous, supportive time!

Danny Sauter